Wednesday 2 November 2016

Actions speak louder than words...

First of all, we have been holding off posting our thoughts about the Childhood Obesity Strategy that was launched this summer in hope that the document we read wasn’t the last we would hear of it.

Theresa May said ‘the launch of this plan represents the start of a conversation, rather than the final word’… and so I was waiting for either the continued conversation or the final word… to my surprise (or not so much of a surprise really) we haven’t heard any further. 

Monday 26 September 2016

Assembly with an Eagle Twist

So, I did my first ever “Food Assemblylast week in front of 300 children! (Children may not sound scary, but when you are stood in a room full of these bright eyed, eager little faces waiting for a mystery person to talk– it is daunting, especially if you are not used to it)

What’s a Food Assembly – well it’s what it says on the tin, but we tend to do ours with a  bit of a twist.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

School Food Lessons from my first Pedagoo!

So over the weekend, I had the pleasure of spending some time at “Pedagoo Hampshire” a learning and development event for teachers.

And no, I wasn’t lost! And yes I know I’m not a teacher – but at Eagle we take our role of Food and Wellbeing Educators really seriously and so want to ensure we are doing all we can to be effective as we support schools in that area.

It was my first Pedagoo and yet I’ve already signed up to my next one!

I took so much away from the event focused on supporting teachers (and indeed people) to improve, grow and develop and was so fascinated about how it could be applied to improving and supporting the area of school food. I discovered there were many application and my top 5 were:

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Living Your Values

Values are so important. We hear so much about “British Values” or “Christian values” and yet just having those values is not enough. You have to live your values. Even when it’s hard. Even when there’s an easy way out staring you in the face.
That’s one of the key things I’ve learn as I’ve come into work each day.
I’m Shaira and I joined Team Eagle in January this year… Starting at a new company was really exciting but also scary too. On my first day, I was taken through the value statement – which definitely helped calm the nerves. It was such a powerful statement of intent and I remember reading through the values and thinking to myself – ‘if this company actually live by these values then I’m glad that I’m here”

Friday 9 September 2016

Hello! What’s this all about?

What's it all about?

That’s a big angsty question to start our very first blog with… and yet it’s the only one that matters.

In his incredible TED Talk and book, Simon Sinek tells us to “Start with Why?” 
as conveying purpose and meaning in what you are doing is ultimately what 
will make a difference to the world and your work.


Because the “why” is how leaders inspire action.

It's how movements start.

It’s how we as individuals make a change and have real impact.

And so in homage to that amazing piece of advice, we are starting our “Fresher Files” with a few of our why’s for what we do, and this blog.